Monday, May 30, 2016

Guest Talk: Literary Agent Sandra Bond

A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure to meet with Sandra Bond of Bond Literary Agency. She gave us some wonderful information about the publishing industry, and what we as young writers should be doing and working towards. Here are some of the highlights of her talk (some answers have been edited and/or condensed for reading ease):

Friday, May 6, 2016

Short Story: "The Lord's Game"

Here is a short story written by one of our members. Enjoy!

The Lord’s Game

By Tessa Lapointe

The drums sounded to the beat of Nicholas’s footsteps. He had dressed in his finest clothes for the occasion: a deep blue velvet coat over a snow white shirt, and black breeches made from deer skin. His boots shone in the harsh sunlight, though they were splattered with mud from the road he had marched along. Before leaving, Nicholas had made sure his hair was perfectly combed and his face clean shaven. He was determined to look his best, even now.

            Nicholas bowed his head respectfully to the women in the crowd as he passed them, flashing a smile practiced many times in the mirror. It had always been a façade, but now the mask of confidence was even more important to keep up. No one could know just how scared he really was.

Friday Funny Fiction #8 "May the Fourth be With You!"

Look at Friday Funny Fiction #1 for instructions on how to play this game. Enjoy!

"May the Fourth be with you!" my brother shouted.
"Today is May the Sixth, dummy," I sighed.
"Aww, and I was so looking forwards to binge watching Star Trek," he said.
"You mean Star Wars you idiotic heathen! Who in the world mixes up Star Trek and Star Wars! I disown you, you are no longer my son. Leave!"
"But father--" I said.
"I am NOT your father!" Father said. "Not even like Vader was to Skywalker!"
"Don't be like that, Father. I know you love me, just like Anakin's nonexistant father!"
"I love you like ISIS loves the world!" his father said.
"You want to take him over? That's not very appropriate for a dad."
Regardless, the father tried to Jedi-mind-trick take over his son anyways.
"Father, I think you need a psych eval. That only works in movies."