Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Funny Fiction #10

Take a look at Friday Funny Fiction #1 for the rules of this game!

The sun was way too bright for vampire spelunking.
The vampires quickly retreated into their caves. Larry, unfortunately, was too slow and vaporized into a cloud of gas.
"That was close," one of the vampires said. "He even vaporized Larry. We need to avoid Apollo."
Apollo listened from behind a corner, plotting their death.
After a few moments, Apollo stepped out of the corner, shocked to see Zeus staring at him. Apollo dropped his machine gun on his foot and began hopping around in pain. "Ow! Ow!"
Zeus raised one grey eyebrow.
"Dad. Father. Sir. What do you want?"
"I want you to stop throwing thunderbolts everywhere!"
"I can't, I'm trying out for Dragon Ball Z! Gotta learn how to destroy planets."
And the world ended. The End.

On April 4, 1914, a famous entrepreneur is found dead in a locked room. Beside him are a grandfather clock and a bitter panther.
The panther is covered in sparkling dust and wears a blood-red crown. The panther personally thought he was fabulous. Nothing beats the remains of your enemies for a stylish crown.
So the panther made a King's cloak out of the skins of his enemies' carcasses and paraded around in it with the crown.
Until a hunter came and slayed the panther and made a coat out of his skin.
The panther's cousins all leaped out of the trees at once, pouncing on the hunter, but they were not smart enough to realize that there was a wall of thick glass separating them.
The hunter looked at his sister, Kelly, and said, "They don't understand they're in a zoo, do they?"
She sighed. "I don't think so."
The End

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