Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Friday Funny Fiction #6 (Despite the fact that today is Wednesday...)

For information on how this game is played, check Friday Funny Fiction #1

This is the story of how I died.
It was a perfectly normal day when all of a sudden it started raining up!
Ferdinand was thus optimistically depressed.
His life was full of dramatic mood swings: happy and optimistic to sad and depressed.
"Superlative" was the only word for it. Which was why, when he was given the choice, he just laughed.
He laughed for hours on end like a maniac.
Then forgot why he was laughing.
He laughed so hard he exploded.
His guts and intestines flew everywhere, covering us from head to toe.
However, the murderer exploded into confetti and hubris so there was a happy ending despite the brutal murder.

There once was a frog called Hugo.
Hugo loved playing in the lily pond, eating flies, and plotting world domination.
His most recent scheme was about to be put into action, and his froggy mind was worrying about all the things that could go wrong.
Would he be able to pull it off? Would he fail just because he was a frog? What would happen?
No! He would defeat the hobgoblin, and bring peace to the valley!
And so he did.

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