Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Four Things I Learned About Writing After a Week With a Four Year Old

I spent the last week on vacation in Tennessee visiting family. While fun, it was exhausting (and after having spent way too much time in airports, I am convinced that the airline we used--which shall remain anonymous--hates us). But I was able to learn something interesting from my four year old cousin. She is incredibly adorable and never runs out of energy. Or, at least, she doesn't let you know when she's running out of energy. When she starts to get tired, the stories that she tells get more and more elaborate and creative. Even when she is wide awake, she is constantly playing with toys and dolls, and she uses them to act out her stories. After a week of this, I was able to take away some interesting themes that can very easily be applied to fiction writing.

Here are four things I learned from a four year old.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

"Take a Look Outside the Box" by Victoria Hecker

Here is a poem by member Victoria Hecker. Enjoy!

Take a Look Outside the Box (A Dull Blue Light)
A dull blue light
Consumes our eyes
Blocking our minds
Burning our vision
A life leaves in it
Lives lead in it
Crossing wills
Crossing ways
Only one fate is held
And flicker, flicker
In the dark

Friday, July 1, 2016

Friday Funny Fiction #9

Check out Friday Funny Fiction #1 to learn how to play this game!

And in the end there was death. That's all I remember.
The end. That's all, everything that came before disapeared as suddenly as the end had come. Only the death remained in my memory.
This was the fate of a Time Lord... to see every little thing you love destroyed and decimated... leaving alone once more.
I climbed into my TARDIS and adjusted my deerstalker hat before shedding my long coat and scarf. Poor Watson. He hadn't seen those Weeping Angels coming.
But I couldn't focus on him. The world needs saving. And I'm the only one who specializes in that.
I set out to begin my plans.
Roadtrip, anyone?