Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday Funny Fiction #1

This is an example of a game we play every now and then. Every person has a blank piece of paper. They write down the first line of either a story or a poem, and then pass it to the next person. They then write the next line, then fold down the first line and pass it on again. The idea behind this is that everyone only sees the last line written and have to continue the story off of that.
Here are two poems we once did.

The world spun wildly beneath her feet
As she danced to melody sweet.
But her days were not so sweet as the tune,
The tune that haunted the night, swift and soon,
Was soon to spell their impending doom.
As the terror drew closer, they knew it to be
A swarm of buzzing bumblebees.
I ran and screamed through all the woods
Down into a crowd cloaked in hoods.
They ended their journey, just as they should.

Her crown was naught but jewels of dew,
The princess of the petals was lovely and true.
But her secret was one to rue,
For no one knew the burden she bore.
Three days she wept, then ten days more
And promptly forgot what she was weeping for,
For her memory was bad and her eyes were sore
From constantly looking out to the moor.
They searched until they found a door.
And there was the door! Where it lead was no bore:
An ice cream parlor with presents galore.

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